I’ve been testing adding the barrel to the scene and it has revealed something I suspected - the more actors on screen (despite their image size) the slower the game will run.

I thought the game was running a bit quicker before I started to paste the legs onto the body, but couldn’t be completely sure as I had also added alot of code.

But it is quite obvious, that once the barrel is added that it is like adding another enemy to the scene, the player alone becomes 3 actors. See how the game really slows down as more and more actors are on screen at once:

So put simply, the game will run quicker if the legs are not seperate actors, as having 1 player and 2 enemies means 6 actors. When I did speed tests at the start I could do 4 - 5 enemies without any visible slowdown, so I will explore going back to using the full walking frames.

Weapons will still use the parent lock movement system that Earok implemented.