Just a quick one to say we’ve making loads of progress on a variety of things which I will detail more closely in future updates.

The default moveset is now complete, we added the back elbow and headbutt last night. It works brilliantly, even with one joystick button it all feels good.

We are also prepping for how we are going to bring in the graphics, bearing in mind we will be switching the palette between levels. What I have discovered is that with some very careful planning I have been able to retain all the depth of the arcade sprites and most of the background details, just by being economical and artistic with the palette choice. This improves greatly upon earlier mock ups.

I was never a fan of the woods graphics, and noticed they changed this in the GBA version, so I have done a rework myself providing a far moodier setting over the garish original.

In a future update I’ll do some proper sprite and background comparisons.

In addition we are setting up hitboxes, animation systems and enemy AI and I’ve completed pretty much all the music.